A decorative image saying "Welcome to The Mission Within," a blog dedicated to stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss.

Yay! You found us.

Welcome to my little corner of the interwebz, a blog dedicated to navigating life after weight loss, with focus on self-care, wellness, and self-improvement. I’m also gonna show you my crafty side, because here, I’m all about the DIY shiz and getting the most bang for the buck. Maybe, just maybe, I could possibly throw some fashion in, but I’m not sure on that.

Whatever I decide on with that, my goal is to show you readers what life after weight loss, life on the other side looks like for me, and help light the way for those currently in the process of reaching their goals, and also those about to start their own ‘mission within.’ I guess we could call it that.

We’ll also have some fun and laugh along the way. I’m a kid of the 90s, and this blog probably shows it, haha. This little blog is all a part of living for me, and I hope the same for you. There’s plenty of room in here. So, in true 90s-kid fashion, grab a spot on the inflatable couch or the daybed, grab yerselves a can of LaCroix, Coke Zero, or Pepsi Zero Sugar, and let’s kick it.

Need a place to get started? Read here. And maybe consider signing the guestbook while you’re at it? No pressure, I promise!

Whaddaya say? Let’s make like horse turds, and hit the trails!

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