If you’ve been around here for a bit, you’ll see I’ve started up the Hunbot Hoedown, a new series dedicated to anti-MLM content, and my own take on it after …
Hunbot Hoedown #3: MLM-er Updates, Where Are They Now?

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
If you’ve been around here for a bit, you’ll see I’ve started up the Hunbot Hoedown, a new series dedicated to anti-MLM content, and my own take on it after …
It’s time to revive another series, and bring it back from the dead. That’s right, it’s time for the second installment of the Janky Job Jamboree series. This is where …
Welcome to the 2nd post in a new series I’m trying out, dedicated to anti-MLM content, and the stupid hunbot pitch-slaps. As someone who’s fallen prey to an MLM (not …
If you’ve been in the job market for any amount of time, or on social media for at least a hot minute, you’ll probably have come across your fair share …