Notes from the Road, #35: Halloween Night Tea

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We’re coming to the end of another year, and here in my neck of the woods, it’s Beggar’s Night. Halloween is tomorrow, and since the weather’s gonna be heinously cold again, I think it’ll be Halloween night tea instead of anything else.

I used to love Halloween. I remember going to a Halloween event at a place in town when I was a kid, and I remember going w/ neighborhood kids to go trick-or-treating at a mall that no longer exists. Other than that, my Halloweens weren’t anything special, and they weren’t memorable.

One year in school, the preschoolers wore their costumes to school, and they toured the classrooms to show em all off to us big kids. It’s been so many years since then, and it’s stayed w/ me ever since.

Besides the trick-or-treating, and the costumes, my other favorite thing was the Halloween decorations in the stores. We used to get these vinyl window decorations from the old store, and I’d decorate the porch windows w/ em when I was a kid, at this house we lived in about 3 or 4 moves ago.

Maybe I oughta go see what’s still in the stores as far as window decorations go, and take advantage of the sales for old time’s sake.

I’d been thinking about doing this ever since before my mom died, but never had the chance to do so. Hell, it was all I could do to carve those puking pumpkins that year, haha.

I’d been meaning to get the wagon and go walk over to the old store for a pumpkin, but the weather’s been too bad to do so. I can’t carry something like that anymore, so that rules out a bus trip.

I’ll see what’s on sale this weekend, and make it a belated Halloween instead. I haven’t had the energy to do much else, but I’m trying.

I’m already working 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, and this isn’t counting my other job. After the way it was this time a year ago, and after what happened, this sure as shyt beats the alternative.

Besides, this time of year’s always been the pits for me. Always. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another, and one year, it was a whole slew of other things.

All that’s over now.

I considered handing out candy for Beggar’s Night, but there’s so few kids in the neighborhood that it wouldn’t be worth it to me. Instead, I’ll just raid the clearance racks for the Halloween candy this weekend, and we’ll call it even.

Until then, I’ll be spending my Halloween night at home, trying to forget the day ever happened. Before all this happened, I used to spend my nights in the late fall through early spring at home, having some hot tea, and watching whatever was on network TV.

This was after I got my beloved clear-case jailhouse TV off eBay real cheap 6 years ago, and it’s still got the jail number of its’ previous owner.

I’ll be keeping that beauty until it dies, haha.

After I’d go into the kitchen to turn off the stove when the kettle went off, I’d pour it into the mug where I had the teabag ready to go. I’d leave it in the kitchen to cool off a bit, since my cats were still here, and they weren’t exactly careful about where they were walking or laying.

Especially my late boy cat. He was built like an oil tanker, and he knew how to use his size to his advantage.

Once the tea had cooled off to where it was safe to take it into my room, I’d have my fave-rave Milkhouse Candle running, either Brown Butter Pumpkin, or Apple Cider.

The light in my room was one of those Edison vintage-style bulbs, which gives off a nice warm glow to match.

If it was a Saturday night, the TV would be on Comet TV, where they used to air Ring of Honor before they moved to Charge, who then phased it out of their lineup. After that, it would be Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot, Men Into Space, or some lame B-movie from the 1950s, before the infomercials came on.

This year, I think I’ll either have some of my favorite Bengal Spice from Wally World, or maybe some blueberry tea instead. I got all day to decide tomorrow, so I don’t think I have to decide right now.

One thing’s for sure, some of that apple pie flavored tea I tried eons ago and haven’t been able to find since then would be lovely right about now. Sad to say it didn’t occur to me to write the name of it down, so I’ve basically been doing trial and error every time I see something apple cinnamon flavored.

However, I’m wondering if the apple-flavored tea in Teabloom’s Herbal Oasis collection could be the dupe I’m looking for in this respect. I know what I had back then didn’t come as a looseleaf, since it came in a teabag, but if the flavor is what I’m picturing it to be, I think we can call it even.

This Halloween, after I get home, my plan is to have some dinner, then retire to bed early w/ some nice hot tea, and have one of my Milkhouse Candles running to ring in the season and add to the ambiance. I know for sure one of those teapot sets would really do like Emeril says, and kick it up a notch.

I feel like the Buckingham Palace one would really work here, but I may be a bit biased since that’s the one I’ve had on my shopping list for like ever, haha. If you decide to get this, or any of the others to add to your fall night routine, I got a coupon you can use right here to save some moolah for the holiday season or a rainy day.

Missed the previous installments? No worries, I gotcha covered: 34, 33, 32, 31

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