The Weekend Docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

It’s Fri-yay, everyone! That can only mean one thing: weekend time’s upon us once again, and it’s time to talk weekend plans. It’s also the first official day of summer, and the strawberry moon will be out tonight. My weekend plans will go one of 2 ways, depending on the weather. If it holds out, I’ll take the bus to the pool if it’s still the right time of the month for me. Otherwise, I’ll be knocking around the neighborhood or go to some old stomping grounds to get some steps in.

A couple weekends back, I went to another event in town, and picked up this knitted shawl this adorable grandma made. It’s in green, one of my favorite colors.

I couldn’t decide between a white/pastel colorway I’ve been into these days, or good ol’ fashioned green.

I also went to the thrift store to get a new mattress. They sell new mattresses and have been doing so for years. I’d planned on hauling home a standard twin-size mattress home in my wagon, and thought about where I could borrow a grocery cart big enough, but they had this Leesa dupe rolled up in a bag for cheaper. It was way easier to drag it home in the wagon for the 4 mile walk back to my house. They’d told me it’d take awhile for the mattress to fluff up after I unrolled it, but I was only gonna go home to drop it off and get the sheets outta the dryer, so it didn’t really matter. Once I got back, the sheets would be ready for my old-new bed.

Once I get the bed I actually want, I’ll just use this one as a couch instead.

In other news, I’ve now been w/ my summer job for a year, and I’m working on re-losing the weight I gained back. Yeah, I’d fallen off the wagon, and I’m still shook at how easy it is to pile on the weight, and how easy it is to not realize it.

All I gotta do is remind myself that I did this before, and that tells me it’s possible I can do it again. One day at a time. Just for today. Then tomorrow, just for today.

I also went to a mid-week concert last week, and stuck around for a few songs. I ended up having to leave early since I had to be on the early bus for my summer job the next day. Mid-week concerts are a stupid idea anyways, imo. Shock of shocks, this one guy at the front gates just had to harp about it and raise holy hell w/ me over leaving early.

Guess a half-hour walk to the nearest bus stop from the venue on a dangerous thoroughfare w/o a sidewalk isn’t something they’ll ever have to worry about, eh?

I love that for them. No, really, I do!

‘Nuff about me. How ’bout you, readers? What’s going on for you this weekend? No matter what, I’d still love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hawt, and let’s get this party started!

To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.

Came across a recipe for a Mickey-D’s breakfast sauce dupe I’d love to try out sometime. Just need to get the dill, since I don’t think I have any in the pantry anymore.

I’d love to try these halloumi sandwiches sometime too.

I’d never heard of Carter Faith up until now. I’m gonna go check out her other stuff, cuz seriously, she reminds me of Lila McCann. I’d love to see both Lila and Carter go on tour together.

Love this post about Ashlie Amber. Country music is for everyone, not just a certain group of ppl, and like Rissi Palmer said, it’s time country music remembered where tf it came from. BTW, here’s her website. I’m into it!

We lost Donald Sutherland this week. I remember seeing him in a few movies as a kid. RIP, Donald!

I loved reading about Pompeii as a kid, and there’s a room that’s been found that seems to have been a shrine.

In other news, Limited Too’s apparently making a comeback. All my Limited Too stuff is secondhand, and I’ll be stoked af when it starts fitting me again.

Last, but never least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 15-year-old Janessa Weeks-Spears of Waco, TX was on June 4th, 2024. According to the poster, she was last seen wearing a t-shirt that read “Secure,” and had black shorts. She may still have her hair in the pink braids, but it’s likely she’s also wearing a wig.

Even though it’s a sad trend to think about, it’s often said that the longer a child remains missing, it means the likelihood of them returning home alive lessens. However, there are always outliers, and there’s always hope. This week’s long-term missing is Jerome Eugene Morris, a 15-year-old boy last seen on August 1st, 1990. He was last seen leaving his house, and hasn’t been heard from since then. The Charley Project lists him as an endangered runaway, but I’m wondering if he even had a history as a runaway. I’d guess something like that would’ve come out in the news reports, but I don’t see anything beyond this that would refer to previous runaway efforts. Jerome was last seen wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans, white sneakers, and a cap with sports team logos. There’s an age-progressed photo of him at 46 from 2022, to show what he may look like today.

If anyone out there has any knowledge of Janessa’s whereabouts after June 4th, or Jerome’s whereabouts after August 1st 1990, make that call. Let’s see what we can do to get Janessa and Jerome’s family the answers they deserve, and get these two home safe to those who love em, pronto.

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