Oh, baby, it’s Friday! Ok, ok, I couldn’t resist, but still, it doesn’t feel like the end of the week to me. In any case, we’ve come to the end, and since Monday’s a bank holiday here in the U.S to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that means a long weekend for a lot of us. Since we’re due for blizzard conditions in my area, laying low may be in my plans if possible. Otherwise, if the weather doesn’t turn out to be as bad as I’m hearing, I’m hoping I get the chance to hit up the Asian market to pick up some things I’ve had on my list since the last time I was there two months ago.
Other than day job work and this blog, I may also play catch-up on the Chicagoverse episodes that didn’t air last week due to what happened at Capitol Hill. If not, I’ll just wait for the reruns.
How about you, readers? What are your weekend plans? Drop ’em below. In the meantime, I’ve got some links to ring in the weekend. Share ’em, talk about ’em, what have you.
These mashed potato waffles look like so much fun to make! I’m running low on my meal-prepped stuff, so I may make these at some point soon, if it doesn’t end up happening this weekend.
This Thai milk drink also looks like it would be fun to make for Valentine’s Day. It’s a month away, though, but still festive nonetheless.
I’ve seen eye masks in the stores, but found none I’ve liked well enough to pick up. This how-to for an eye mask may just be my way around that, haha.
This bird’s getting a lot of attention online, and with good reason.
Neat insight on the impact architecture and urban planning exhibitions have as future predictors for cities.
Rissi Palmer is one of my favorite country singers. I got her debut album when it first came out when I was in college, and I lost track of how many times I’ve played it. The fact that the mainstream industry left her so overlooked pisses me off big time. I’m not an Apple Music subscriber, since I can’t afford it atm, but Rissi just dropped part 1 of her Color Me Country Class of 2021. I’m so excited to check these artists out!