AKA, it’s finally Friday. Everyone, this week’s gone by so quickly, for me anyways. Compared to last week and the week before with the election going on, and all the …
The Weekend Docket

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
AKA, it’s finally Friday. Everyone, this week’s gone by so quickly, for me anyways. Compared to last week and the week before with the election going on, and all the …
To kickstart this ongoing series, I’d like to talk about the joy of over-the-air TV or broadcast TV. I used to call it, and still do, antenna TV. But because …
The year was 2017. A family crisis had come up for me, and it showed me firsthand how quickly tables can turn when it comes to health. This left me …
**Note: This post is a reflection of the ideas, feelings, and attitudes I held over the years I struggled with my weight, based on my own memory, and journals I …
Hey, you. Yes, you. I see you reading, scouring Google and everywhere else you can think of in the middle of the night or at the butt crack of dawn, …