I had plans for a post like this in the works long before we ever got the news from my family member’s care team, long before this blog even came …
Public Service Announcement: Dear Tobacco Industry

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
I had plans for a post like this in the works long before we ever got the news from my family member’s care team, long before this blog even came …
It’s come up a time or two around here that I’ve lost some weight over these past few years, and as of the date of this posting, I’m getting closer …
As someone who’s been in the hamster wheel of crash diets and wacky quick fixes in the quest for weight loss, I know firsthand the feelings that go into seeking …
I’ve mentioned here and there that I’ve been job hunting, since my day job’s not enough to make ends meet, and the disastrous results it’s gotten me thus far. In …
I went down the Quora rabbit hole some weeks back, and while I was on my fair staycation, I got to thinking about what I saw the last time I …
If you’re new here, you’ve probably figured out that we’re all about the offbeat and wacky observances and holidays. If you’re a part of the old guard, then you know …
As you’ve probably guessed at this point, I’ve gotten into the world of wacky and offbeat observances, and if you’re new here, you’ve probably noticed it by now. If not, …
As someone who’s getting closer to where she wants to be in her weight loss mission, I look back at where I was when I started, and where I was …
Ok, ok. I know the title’s a bit click-baity, but just run with me here. I’ve known about the existence of Quora for several years, when I found it for …
I recently happened upon this post where the blogger talked about having celebrated their 27th birthday, and instead of their original plans due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, they decided …