We’re coming down to the wire for the holiday season, and it’s kicked into high gear. The last day of work before the holiday break went strangely for me, mainly …
Notes from the Road, #39: A Mashed Potatoes and Baby Food Holiday Season

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
We’re coming down to the wire for the holiday season, and it’s kicked into high gear. The last day of work before the holiday break went strangely for me, mainly …
I don’t like this time of year. There, I said it. I said what I said. In the past, this time of year has always been when things turn to …
It’s hard to believe we’re coming to the end of summer, but here we are. Summer’s slowly fading into fall or autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, and springtime’s on …
It’s halfway through a long 10-hour day, and I’m feeling like someone hit me w/ a 5 ton wrecking ball at Mach 10 speed. I need to force myself through …
[Disclosure: This post contains sponsored links. Translation: I may get a commission based on any click-throughs and/or purchases made through these links. However, you’re in luck, since this comes at …
It’s coming down to the wire for this tour of duty of my summer job. I’d spent the better part of 3 weeks at a location in a neighboring town. …
It all feels different this year than it did a year ago, and definitely the year before that. Even though the place itself hasn’t changed, and neither has the scenery, …
The school year’s coming to an end, and that means it’s graduation season. During my time traveling the schools, I got to work w/ kids from preschool through high school, …
It’s still dark outside, and I turn off the radio tuned to the classic country station on the FM dial, since the one on the AM dial doesn’t come in …
It’s been 2 years. 2 long, miserable, rotten, worthless, wasted years. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of applications, half of which I literally didn’t give even a fraction of a …