Happy Fri-yay, everyone! Weekend time’s upon us once again, and it’s time to talk weekend plans. This was a short week, but it felt like dragging on forever. Things have been tough at my day job, and it’s a long story as to why. It’s nothing of any real importance to anyone but me, but no worries. I’m ok. I promise!
My weekend plans are to hit up the farmer’s market in my neighborhood, and get my steps in. I may or may not do a 2 mile walk/run going on in town, but that depends on the weather. Besides, I already do that shyt on my own anyways, haha. Other than that, I may just knock around the neighborhood, or go out to the mall and check out some stuff on sale that I’ve been wanting forever. If nothing else, it’ll help me get my steps in, so I can re-lose the weight I gained back, and get back on track.
This weekend is also the last Cubs games of the season. I’ll listen to those on the radio, since they’re at an away game. Last weekend was their last home game for this year. I couldn’t tell you who won since I don’t remember. It’s just fun to listen to the games for some reason. Tomorrow, there’s gonna be a football game on the AM country station, and I may listen to that and see what it’s all about.
My knowledge of football is just like baseball: in passing as a casual fan, haha. I like the Jets best, but I also like the Hawkeyes since they remind me of someone I once knew. Anyways, idc who wins the games. I don’t believe in sports team rivalries anyways.
Over to you, readers. What’re your weekend plans? Drop em all like they’re hawt, and let’s get this party started!
To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.
This deli-style salad seems like it’d be fun to make sometime.
I came into ownership of a bunch of tomatoes from my day job, but they went bad, so I’m gonna make this tomato sauce sometime.
Ways to repurpose makeup and other cosmetic duds that didn’t work out for whatever reason.
I’d love to make this icebox cake sometime. Idk how it can’t be made w/ the GF oreos. I’ll have to try it out and report back on it!
If you saw the ‘gram lately, you’ll know I’ve now become the proud owner of a Sodastream! I’d love to try this ice cream float.
Old news is old w/ this post, but I’m also sick of Hotel California. The “oldies” station insists on playing it like 10 times a day or whatever. Seriously, is there a federal mandate in place that says they can only play Hotel California or else? In any case, the Hotel California station is what it is on account of ad revenue (aka payola), and by appealing to the masses w/ the safest of the safest songs possible. Until they can find something even safer than this, they’ll suffer w/ those songs in the meantime, I guess.
[Note: This link contains mention of sexual assault. If this is something you’re not in the headspace to hear about, consider not reading this link. Also, even though the Jane Does mentioned have come forward, I’m referring to them as Jane Doe anyways out of respect for them.] In other news, a judge sentenced a certain someone from a super-popular TV show from back in the day to 30 years to life for abuse charges, guilty on what he did to both Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2. I remember how that show was basically the hottest thing since fire was discovered back in middle and high school. I saw a few episodes of That 70s Show, and thought it sucked donkey balls. Now I see why. Anyways, here’s what I have to say to Danny: have fun in the slammer and get fucked, you nasty shithead!
Last but not least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 13-year-old Wendy Perez of Pacoima, CA was on August 1st, 2013. According to the poster, both pics shown are of her. It’s unknown if Wendy’s still in town, but the poster lists the Los Angeles PD as the point of contact, so she may possibly be there. If you see a child matching Wendy’s description, or if you have any knowledge of her whereabouts after August 1st, make that call. Let’s get Wendy home safe to those who care about her, ASAP!
In other news, the AMBER Alert is still on for Keshaun Williams. It’s now been 3 months, and his family deserves answers. Let’s see what we can do to find him and get him home safe to those who care about him!