Happy New Week, everyone! If y’all have been here for more than a hot minute, you probably know that I’ll hit up the job boards from time to time and see what else is out there. Some of it’s unfortunately job scams, and other times, it’s legit, but a bad job posting. I’ve decided that I’ll always be entertaining other offers, just to be on the safe side. Those job boards formed the genesis of what became the Janky Job Jamboree.
This is a series where I hit up the job boards, find scam job postings, or otherwise bad job postings. I’ll grab screenshots of the most nonsensical, half-assed, quarter-assed, or super sus postings, and bring the fun to you so we can laugh at the horseshit they’re insulting job seekers’ intelligence w/.
Job seekers, y’all deserve so much better than what you’re getting.
Today’s installment is no different, and it comes to us from the entertainment industry. I’ll be doggone! This is a first for me, but there’s a first time for everything. As always, if y’all think you may know who the company is, or if you know for sure who this company is, I want y’all to keep it to yourselves. We don’t need to give them the traffic, and they don’t need it anyways.
Let’s have a look, shall we? Here, we’ve got ourselves a twofer!

Double duty, I guess? Maybe there’s been budget cuts?

Now we’re getting into the meat and potatoes of this little thing o’ beauty. They’re asking us to do all the administrative functions, even those typically outside the scope of what an office administrator generally includes. Yeah, this job posting is to HR as ketchup is to ice cream.
In other words, one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong.

Dude. Just no. Now they’re asking us to do payroll and accounting on top of all this! I’d imagine that since accounting can be incredibly complex, they’d want someone w/ a degree and training in that also. After all, this is what they’re expecting the candidate to do. But, that’s just my guess. I’m no HR person, never have been or will be, nor do I play one on TV, so wtf do I know?

I notice the tense shifts w/in their laundry list of desirable traits their ‘perfect’ candidate/victim has. Yeah, these ppl have no idea what the fuck they want, and they’re taking it out on job seekers who only want a chance and make their living. I saw this all the time as a job seeker, and companies who do this are part of the problem. End of.
But what the hell good is this living if it’s 15-16 dollars an hour as quoted in the previous screenshot, and full time, to boot.
Seriously. I hope this company allows their employees to work other jobs, cuz this is exactly what whoever they pick for this nightmare of a job is gonna have to do in order to survive. If they’re so draconian as to demand exclusivity from their employees and be their only means of living, then they’ll reap what they’ve sown.
At that shitty pay rate, you’re almost better off working at a daycare instead.

In other words, we’re gonna run your ass ragged 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your walks home will be your time off and your vacation. It’ll be extreme hardcore, like Elon Musk made what used to be known as Twitter when he demanded them all be on site, despite remote work being a huge boon for the employees. Then, just like in Manor House on PBS (remember that? Pepperidge Farm remembers!), you’ll need to play catch-up on the work you didn’t do while you were walking home or walking to work.
Ok, ok. I’m exaggerating a bit here, to be fair. At the same time, this job’s probably 40 hours a week, maybe as much as 50 or 60 w/ that kind of workload, but you’re sure as shyt not gonna have a life outside of work. At 15-16 dollars an hour, they’re demanding a fuckin Bachelor degree, and 3-5 years of experience. This isn’t just lousy pay, this is exploitation and it’s abusive.

This is so unrealistic. So, basically they’re wanting a Pollyanna who’s a serious glutton for punishment, if I’m understanding the part about how their ideal “candidate” “enjoys working hard and is action oriented.” Then, they’re putting this candidate up to dealing w/ employees going postal, when they’re probably dangerous AF to begin w/.
They want whoever they choose for this job to commute for it, and the only way this could even remotely be doable would be if they rode the bus, or lived w/in walking distance of the company. I’m doubting they offer bus passes as a perk, but commuting can’t be cheap whatsoever. Idk what the going rate for gas prices is these days, but there’s no way in hell that 15 dollars an hour will cover it for long.

It kills me to think someone from a different town could find this, and consider relocating for a job like this, where they’re in an unfamiliar place, probably on their own away from whatever support system they had, if any to begin w/. If this job posting is anything to go by, I think I may have dodged a bullet when a similar company to this one refused to even give me the time of day when I was in college and looking for work.
It’s no shocker this posting has been up for the better part of a month. I haven’t been able to find a single trace of this post, but either I haven’t been looking hard enough, or they pulled this specific listing.
Either way, it’s also heartbreaking to think about the caliber of candidates this post will get. My first thought is that it’s someone who’s been out of work for who knows how long, desperate for something, anything, and their mental health is nonexistent as a result. Or someone who’s been out of work for who knows how long, w/ nonexistent mental health, and a limitless case of so-called ‘impostor syndrome’ thrown in for good measure. Or someone looking to get into the industry, only to be met w/ postings like this. When they invariably get rejected from posts like this, they’re left feeling like there’s no place for them in the industry at all.
I did, and it’s why I’m done w/ this industry forever.
I hope nobody outside the town this posting is in will even bother applying for it. I hope they never get any takers for this posting. I wonder if this company’s Powers that Be also have the guts enough to whine about how they “just can’t find anyone,” when in the next breath, they’re posting job descriptions like this.
Job seekers, I’ve said it before, and I’m gonna say it again: y’all deserve so much better than this. In case nobody’s told you this lately, I’m rooting for you, I give a damn, and you’re worth more than an MLM, no matter what companies like this tell you or leave you feeling like.
Over to you, readers. Have you come across job postings like this? Did you apply? If so, did you make it to the interview stage, or were you rejected immediately instead? Either way, I’d love to hear your thoughts and takeaways, so let’s talk.