The Weekend Docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! It’s hard to believe we’ve come to the end of another week, and the 2nd to last week of February, and we know what that means. Weekend time’s upon us once again, so it’s time to talk weekend plans. My weekend plans will largely depend on what the weather’s like, so if it’s nice outside, I’ll probably go for a walk and go knocking around the neighborhood to get some steps in. If the weather sucks, then I’ll be going to the mall instead. I’m considering going to an event happening, but haven’t decided on it either way. No worries. I got until tomorrow to decide anyways.

It’s been so dangerously cold in my neck of the woods, so much so that I ended up taking the bus home from my day job on the days I’m at a different site, instead of taking my chances and walking home like I usually do. I miss seeing the dogs I pass by on the way, and they’re really making me consider a dog of my own. As far as another cat, for sure. It was “never say never,” after all. But a dog? Maybe so!

In other news, things have indeed been quiet around here, but try not to worry. I’m ok. Feeling a bit sick atm, but I heard zinc helps w/ it. I’ll have to try it out and see, now that I got me a bottle of it from Wally World.

Anyways, nuff about me. How bout you, readers? What’re your weekend plans? Good, bad, both, neither, I’d still love to hear about it all the same, so drop it all like it’s hawt, and let’s get this party started!

To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have ya.

Came across this recipe for chicken tinga I’d love to try out sometime. I bet it’ll go great w/ the quesadillas I think I’ll be meal-prepping this weekend for breakfast.

Also came across this post on the ways to use pancake mix. I got a box of it that’s been living in my pantry long enough, and it’s time to use it up.

I’ve been embarking on a quest to learn new skills, and came across Hack the Box. There’s so much to learn, and it’s fun to rack up points and meet the streak goals. I feel like while some of it’s a lot to take in, there’s something of value for everyone as a takeaway. Here’s my referral link.

Found this podcast about scammy so-called “gurus,” and this one’s about the cultural appropriator who killed James, Kirby, and Elizabeth in 2009. I’m not sullying my blog w/ any mention of his name, since the old adage goes “speak my name and I’ll live forever,” so his meaningless “teachings” can die w/ him. My heart goes out to the families of the 2009 tragedy in Sedona, as well as the survivors of this, and the previous events this charlatan weasel set up.

On a happier note, there’s this website, Cloudhiker, that helps you discover new sites to check out! So far, I found an art blog w/ a post about ambient art, some sites that made me go “huh?”, some that haven’t been updated since the Obama administration, and an artist w/ the goal to transcend biological limitations. They also got coloring pages, too! This makes me wish I still had a printer, haha.

I was basically today years old when I heard of Freezy Freakies, when I saw a pair at my day job. I wasn’t even born yet when they were a thing the first time around, and if they still existed by then, I was probably too small for these to be an option for me. I may have to get me a pair or two of these, since my beloved orange gloves from Tarjay are starting to look a bit like a hot mess. Anyways, not a sponsored link. Scout’s honor!

In other news, we lost Secret Service dog Hurricane recently at 16 years old. Job well done, buddy boy. Rest easy on the Rainbow Bridge!

We also lost Anne Marie Hochhalter, one of the survivors of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. Even though it’s speculation at this time, her family believes that her passing was a result of the injuries she sustained in the shootings. Rest in peace, Anne Marie. We’ll take it from here.

Last, but never least, a signal boost for a missing child. There’s an active AMBER Alert for 16-year-old Sophia Franklin of Beaver Dam, WI. The last confirmed sighting of her was on February 2nd, 2025. According to the poster, she may be in the company of her abuser, Gary Day, and that she is 3 months pregnant as of the date of this post. Authorities believe that Gary is the one responsible for this as he was victimizing her. This post on People talks about how Sophia met Gary online in April 2024, nearly a year ago, which would have made her 15 years old at the time. Clearly not of legal age, and I’m sure he knew it, as the post goes on to talk about his history of similar behavior against minors. Authorities have also requested active AMBER Alerts for Sophia in Arkansas and Missouri, and there’s a warrant for Sophia’s abuser’s arrest. The poster states that Sophia’s abuser is traveling in a black 2014 Buick LaCrosse, w/ license plates KGW5816. He’s also in ownership of Arkansas license plates BBR 20L, likely to throw any law enforcement agencies off his trail.

Even though it’s sad to talk about, the odds of a child returning home safe diminish the longer they remain missing. However, it’s important to remember that this is just the overall trend, and that there are always outliers. There’s always hope. This is why I’m highlighting a long-term missing case. This time, we’re going back to January 1980, 45 years ago. The last confirmed sighting of Kelly Juanita Staples of Chicago, IL, was on January 8th, 1980. According to the NCMEC poster, Kelly was walking to school, which was 3 blocks from where her family lived at the time. She had on a brown and white striped cap, a red plaid coat, blue jeans, blue rubber boots, and a brown scarf. She also has a birthmark on the left side of her chest. Kelly was 6 years old at the time of her disappearance, and authorities believe this was a stranger abduction. This year, Kelly turns 52 years old, but the age-progressed photo in the poster shows what she may look like at 41 years old. However, I doubt she would look much different 11 years later.

If anyone out there has any knowledge as to the whereabouts of Sophia after February 2nd, 2025, or the whereabouts of Kelly after January 8th, 1980, make that call. Let’s get the new year off to a great start for their families by getting these two home safe to those who love em, pronto!

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