The Long Weekend Docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! Yesterday was our Fri-yay due to the heinous weather we’ve been having, but I held off until the actual Fri-yay instead. Either way, that means one thing: weekend time’s upon us once again, and a long weekend at that. Time to talk weekend plans. Since it’s so cold outside, I’m staying in as much as possible. It’s a death tundra on steroids out there. Seriously.

The snowstorm we had earlier in the week dumped mounds of snow on us, and another one came in later toward the end of the week. Part of me hoped that the weather reports would just amount to The Boy Who Cried Wolf, but nope. This time around, the snow was so deep that it was past my front door.

I had plans to go out to the mall and check out some sales, but after yesterday, I’m just gonna go to the old mall and get my steps in there instead. The dangerous wind chills just aint worth it at the end of the day. Otherwise, I’ll be laying low this weekend, beyond my other job. Definitely gonna get some cleaning done, and work on this thing I started the weekend before.

‘Nuff about me. Over to you, readers. How are you gonna spend the long weekend? Good, bad, both, neither, I’d still love to hear all about it. Drop it all like it’s hawt, and let’s get this party started!

To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.

I’d love to try this holiday nougat candy sometime. Only difference is that it’s so cold outside I could just put that on the porch and it’ll be hard in minutes, haha.

Who here remembers those little pieces of cardboard w/ cartoon drawings, and on em, there was this plastic that you can draw on and peel back to erase it? I totally forgot about these up until now, and also forgot they were called “magic slates.” I remember seeing these at the old store as a kid, which was in the 1990s.

Last, but definitely never least, a signal boost for a missing kid. The last confirmed sighting of 16-year-old J’Quan Kirby of Newport News, VA was on January 9th 2024. According to the poster, he has the letters “LLC” tattooed on his hand, and he has a silver nose ring in his left nostril. No other information is listed beyond the local authorities’ number.

Even though Keshaun Williams is no longer listed in the AMBER Alert section on the website, it doesn’t mean the search is over. Not until we help get Keshaun’s family the answers long overdue to them. The website keeps AMBER Alerts on the front page for 6 months after activation, and after that, those who are still missing can still be found in the search. L

On another note, let’s make this a signal boost for a long-term missing kid. The last confirmed sighting of then 14-year-old Amy Gibson of Greensboro, NC was on December 8th, 1990. The poster states that she left her house to go for a walk in her neighborhood, and that she never returned home. There’s a photo of her, age-progressed to 38 years to show what she may look like today. If anyone out there knows of J’Quan’s whereabouts after January 9th 2024, or of Amy’s whereabouts after December 8th, 1990, make that call. Let’s see what we can do to get the year started on a sunny note for the families of J’Quan, Amy, and Keshaun.

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