If you’ve been around here for a bit, you’ll see I’ve started up the Hunbot Hoedown, a new series dedicated to anti-MLM content, and my own take on it after …
anti mlm
Janky Job Jamboree #2: Fool me once…
It’s time to revive another series, and bring it back from the dead. That’s right, it’s time for the second installment of the Janky Job Jamboree series. This is where …
Hunbot Hoedown #2: Transamerica Turkey-Butt
Welcome to the 2nd post in a new series I’m trying out, dedicated to anti-MLM content, and the stupid hunbot pitch-slaps. As someone who’s fallen prey to an MLM (not …
Public Service Announcement: MLMs and Pyramid Schemes
If you’ve been in the job market for any amount of time, or on social media for at least a hot minute, you’ll probably have come across your fair share …