[Content Note: This post talks about death and dying, so if this is something you’re not in the headspace to hear about, I encourage you to give this post a …
Notes from the Road, #28: A Year Later

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
[Content Note: This post talks about death and dying, so if this is something you’re not in the headspace to hear about, I encourage you to give this post a …
Anyone who knows me in the 3D world knows I love me some swim time. Always have, even as a kid, and even before I lost the weight. As I …
Serving out my job search life sentence is living through hell. I’ve been so sick of this for so long. At this point, there’s no reason to believe it’ll ever …
After a snafu with a company that seemed super promising after a year in the job hunt trenches, getting dumped on, kicked around, ignored, jerked around, and rejected the whole …
It’s been a little over a month since my mom died, and now here I am, in the waiting place. It’s my first holiday season, completely alone. Up until this …
The house went from a hive of constant activity with a parade of people in and out nearly all day long, 7 days a week, to nothing beyond some rando …
Like a lot of people these days, I’ve been job hunting aggressively these past few months, and really ramped it up in the past month. Some have gotten back to …
The job hunt is still going nowhere at breakneck speed. I’m so over this crap, and so over life in general. I feel like I’m drowning, with no end in …
It’s been a difficult past few weeks, worse than before. My family member had an episode last weekend during a brief power outage, and it messed with their oxygen concentrator …
Summer’s winding down, and I’ve still had zero luck on finding another job. I’ve applied for countless jobs only for these companies to reward me with ice-cold radio silence or …