The weekend docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Another week behind us, and that means one more week closer to warmer weather. We all know what that means: it’s weekend time. My plans are to visit my family member in the hospital, and to pick up more work from my day job. The reason being is that we have plans to move soon, since the house we’re in now is no longer safe for them for more than one reason. To keep things as vague as possible, the property manager stated that they met with the city oversight, and learned they can no longer continue to rent this place out legally due to the exorbitant costs for repairs. I want this move to be as safe and stress-free for my family member in the hospital as possible, and as cost-effective as possible too. I’ve put in an application for all of us at a house that’s still in the neighborhood on Wednesday night. We need to be close to their doctors, and we want them in a safe environment at home, and this place fits the bill. The rent will be a bit more than what we’re currently paying, but I feel like the tradeoff will be more than worth it. After what happened last weekend, I’m not taking chances whatsoever. I’ve fallen in love with this house, so fingers crossed we get approved for it!

The weather’s gonna take an even bigger dip into sub-zero temperatures, not counting the wind chill factor this weekend in my area.  Any readers who are facing similar weather, I urge you to stay in when and where possible. It’s not worth it.

Let’s ring in the weekend with some links to talk about and share. What are your weekend plans? Find any interesting takeaways in the links? Drop ’em like they’re hot below.

Interesting article on those who insist on wearing shorts even when the weather leaves it feeling like something a tundra on steroids wants to be when it grows up. True story: I actually saw someone wearing basketball shorts the other day when I walked over to the store after visiting my family member in the hospital.

This gnocchi recipe looks like so much fun to make. I’m not a fan of sweet potatoes, but I could be persuaded into trying the russet or the white sweet potato variations. [EDIT 7/7/2022: This website is gone, and so is the recipe. I’ll see what I can come up w/, based on what I remember of it as my favor to you.]

What a great thing Alex Trebek’s family did with his Jeopardy wardrobe! I bet the guys who get them are stoked as hell, and I bet they’re looking great as they move forward to where they’d like to be in life.

Neat ideas for keeping productive while working from home, imo. Whether you were working from home before the pandemic (like yours truly), or started because of it, I feel like there’s some valuable takeaways for both newbie and veteran telecommuters.

Are you getting the COVID vaccination when it’s your turn to do so? I’m leaning heavily towards yes when the time comes for my turn, and this article is a great reminder to watch what you’re sharing about this, as well as any other means of potentially sensitive info on social media.

Speaking of scams, Galentine’s Day is tomorrow, and Valentine’s Day is after that. Romance scams have been a thing since the Internet became available to the general public, and according to the FTC, more people have been taking their search for love online due to the pandemic. As a result, the financial losses from romance scams is up compared to the previous year. During my rodeo with online dating, I came close to being scammed, however, I ended contact with them early on, before they got to the point of asking for money. Readers, learn the signs of a romance scammer, so you can either nip it in the bud for yourselves before it gets to the point of money, or help someone you know avoid getting scammed

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