The Long Weekend Docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Hey, it’s Friday already. Seriously, where has all the time gone? That means one thing: weekend time! Things have gotten a bit quieter around these parts, as you probably (or not) noticed. I’ve been pursuing other opportunities to get an income rolling in, since work’s been sporadic with my day job lately, in addition to with the unsuccessful job hunt thus far. On top of that, I’ve been moving forward with caring for my family member, and have had some recent drama involving someone we’ve been dealing with for some time up until last weekend.

I won’t get into the specifics regarding what happened this time, or what had been leading up to it, since it’s way too upsetting to get into. I also won’t get into the details on the person who caused it, since they’re not here to defend themselves, and really, there’s no way they can defend it in the first place. They made their choices, and I’m letting their actions speak for themselves.

I will say that what happened last weekend was the straw that broke the camel’s back in a series of incidents, and they were brazen af about it. I’ve reported it to the Powers that Be. This includes both what happened last weekend, and a questionable incident with my family member that I overheard from the next room. I didn’t bring up the encounter from two years earlier, or when they bolted from the house after I came out to the living room to check on my family member while they were here.

Whatever happens to that person going forward is no longer our concern. Not my pasture, not my bullshit. While my family member is adamant that this person hasn’t physically been out of bounds with them, I wasn’t waiting for that to change. No worries, though. I’ve made sure my family member never has to deal with them again. If need be, I’ll start regularly traveling to the other location that’s opened up as an option since the move if that’s what it takes to avoid that jack-off going forward.

We’re coming into a long weekend here in the U.S. The 4th of July is on Monday, so that means an extra day of fun, or an extra day to catch up on the work I didn’t do while I was at it. My plans this weekend are to hit up the farmers’ market in my neighborhood and possibly downtown as well if I have the second wind for it. Universe willing, I hope to have the chance to make it out to the car show going on in another part of town. The annual 4th of July concert in town will be televised, so maybe I’ll catch that on TV. Since it isn’t exactly the right time of the month for me, it rules out the pool for a few days.

Over to you, readers. What are your long weekend plans? Drop ’em like they’re hot below, and let’s get the party started up in here!

To ring in the long weekend, I’ve got some links for us to talk about, share, what have you.

Isn’t this bullet journal page cool or what?! It’s given me some major inspiration for my gratitude journal this month. That’s fallen by the wayside lately, and I’m hoping to get back in the swing of it this weekend also. Maybe I’ll play catch-up while I’m bouncing around ideas for the day job.

Got a website of your own? This post talks about the ways to address unhappiness toward your website, not just the kind that waxes and wanes. For the most part, it’s so far so good here.

This recipe for peanut butter balls is a great way to use up peanut butter and oatmeal that’s been living in the kitchen for way longer than it should have.

Ways to set up an Etsy shop. I’ve flirted with the idea of starting one up, and if any of you are also, here’s a good way to get the ball rolling on that and get things going. BTW, if you start up an Etsy shop, or if you have one already, drop it in the comments, and I’ll give you a shout-out!

I don’t have kids yet, but I hope to start on that in the near future. This post talks about ways to help your teen when driving starts to matter to them. I don’t drive, but I’ll definitely file this away for when any kids I have get to be that age where driving starts to matter to them so I can help them too.

This post talks about some unethical medical experiments, and how they continue to make an impact on us today. I knew of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and learned about that, and later learned of the Milgram experiment, but didn’t know the extent of that one until this post. Unethical medical experiments weren’t just a product of Nazi Germany and the occupied territories, and while there’s valuable lessons learned from them, the ends will never justify the means when it comes to actively mistreating people for the sake of street cred in medicine.

Before I add the link to this one, I need to let you readers know that there is mention of mistreatment and abuse involving a child. This post describes a horrifying incident at a daycare, and they failed this child and their family in so many ways. While indirectly, this also hits somewhat close to home for me, since I once knew of a daycare with its’ own checkered past. I didn’t go there, but I knew of others who did. To the poster and their child if they find this: know that I see you, and I hear you. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. What that authority figure did was wrong, and they have no right being in their line of work if that’s how they’re gonna act towards people.

Some sad news in the world of My 600lb Life and the contenders: Renee has since died. My thoughts are with her family and friends. She died back in May, and sadly this is the first I’ve learned of her passing. Renee made the statement “Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is my bikini body.” That’s my motto, and a great way to remind myself that we didn’t get to where we started overnight, so we won’t get out of it overnight either. Rest in peace, Renee!



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  1. Thank you for sharing my blog link to what had happened in the child care service.
    The centre and that teacher are now going to court through department of education I have other blogs that goes with this one on my feelings, how my son reacted when seeing the footage in the news and the response from court.

    1. Hey, no worries at all! More importantly, thanks so much for stopping by with an update. I’m glad to hear the daycare and that teacher are now being held legally accountable for what they did to you and caused your son. I just found the news article, and I’m sorry to hear that the news reports of what happened brought up some upsetting feelings for your son. I hope the judge gives that teacher the full 2 year sentence, and shuts down that daycare center also. I’m rooting for you and your son!

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