It’s the last Fri-yay of 2023, and that means one thing: weekend time’s upon us once again, and time to talk weekend plans. It’s also the last weekend of 2023, and a long one at that. I’m coming off of an illness, and spent the short work week at my other job. My plans this weekend will depend on what the weather’s doing. I’ll probably be revisiting some old stomping grounds once again, and make an adventure out of it. Otherwise, I hope I get the chance to bike over to a park I like, and maybe check out a restaurant I heard good things about. I wanna learn how to make a few things there on my own, haha.
I’m long overdue to get some cleaning done. That’s something I’ll be doing for sure, so what better way to ring in the new year?
But ’nuff about me. How bout you? What are your holiday weekend plans? Are you gonna stay up and watch the ball drop? Me, it’s in the air right now. Whatever your plans are, I’d love to hear all about it, so drop it like it’s hawt for the last time in 2023, and let’s get this party started!
To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.
I came into ownership of some millet, and now I know what I’m gonna do w/ it: make croutons.
What to do if you were exposed to covid. Even 3 years on, it’s still a thing.
The real 2023 year in review for pr0nhub. Serves em right, after I saw the butt weasels had csam on there, knew they did, and did it anyway. This is beyond sickening, so yeah, fuck these ppl and the horses they all rode in on.
I remember Smile Direct Club’s commercials on network TV, and they always felt super sus to me. I’m not surprised they’ve gone outta business. I feel like there’s more to that story than what they’re letting on. If their 1-star reviews are anything to go by, some of which indicate the chance that some of the 5-star reviews are fake, then this was a long time coming. Normally, I’m sad when companies go outta business, since that’s basically someone’s baby. Not this time, not after what I read. My heart goes out to every one of their customers who are now left in the lurch, along w/ the licensed dentists and orthodontists stuck cleaning up this company’s messes, and I hope they can recoup at least some of their losses.
How to get tea stains outta mugs. I should try this out sometime.
Last, but never least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 17-year-old Kai Zhuang of Ogden, UT, was on December 28th, 2023. The poster has no other information beyond another photo of him. [UPDATE 1/2/2024: I’m happy to report that Kai has been found safe, and he’s back home w/ his host family!]
It’s all good to post about recent missing kids, since the longer they’re missing, the more the odds are against them, based on the majority of how missing kids’ cases play out. Keep in mind that these are the overall trend, and for every overall trend, there’s outliers. Let’s also highlight a long-term missing kid. This one is then 6-year-old Shemaeah Nicole Gunnel of Yuma, AZ. The last confirmed sighting of her was February 10th, 1989. In the poster is an age-progressed photo of Shemaeah to age 21. The poster also states that Shemaeah may have also fallen victim to foul play.
The AMBER Alert for Keshaun Williams is still ongoing. If anyone out there knows anything at all about his whereabouts after June 23rd, those of Kai’s after December 28th, or Shemaeah’s whereabouts after February 10th, 1989, make that call. Let’s get these kids’ families the good news they’ve been waiting for all this time, that their loved ones are on their way home, safe and sound in time for the new year.