The Weekend Docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! It’s that time of week again, and we all know what that means: weekend time’s upon us once again. Since the weather sucks donkey balls in my neck of the woods, I’m gonna lay low and stay in. The weather’s got something to do w/ it, but that’s not the whole story. Things have been busy on my end, and difficult lately w/ the new job, and looking for some part-time work. There’s also been a snafu w/ payroll that I’m gonna get sorted out on Monday, bright and early. The last day of this tour of duty at an elementary school’s on the horizon. After that, I’m going to a school in a different part of town, then back to home territory. This’ll be my 2nd time there.

One thing’s for sure, I’m making a dent in the looseleaf notebook paper I’ve had knocking around the house since college, and I’m also making a dent in the huge stash of pencils my mom had, and I’d amassed during my school years when I came onto the scene. I got plans to give a bunch of em to a classroom bin, and they’re welcome to em as far as I’m concerned.

I can always get another stash of pencils going for my future kids when they start getting to be that age anyways.

Anyways, what’re your weekend plans? Trips to Cape Cod? Staying in and watching the Law and Order SVU marathon on Saturdays like yours truly? Both? Neither? Whatevs. It’s all good. Drop it all like it’s hot, and let’s get this party started.

To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.

I’m gonna make this recipe for kettle corn sometime this weekend.

This post about the former CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, is definitely worth the read.

I’d love to check this out sometime, it’s VetTV.

There’s also been layoffs at Dotdash Meredith. I was gonna apply for a job there, but got the one I got now and the seasonal role at Omaha Steaks.

There’s also been some approvals for the student loan debt relief. More are coming, though.

Illuminaughtii did an episode of the Corporate Casket on this company. Guess I know what I’ll be avoiding like the plague also.

I had no idea Phantom 2040 even existed since it became part of the rotation on Pluto TV’s Classic Toons channel.

Last, but not least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 15-year-old Lola Serrata of Minneapolis, MN, was on January 12th, 2023. If you see a child matching her description, make that call. Let’s see what we can do to get Lola back home safe to those who love her

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