A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! This only means one thing: weekend time’s upon us once again. My weekend plans are up in the air atm, but I’ll decide later on any one direction. I toyed around w/ the idea of window shopping at the mall, or hitting up some shops in town I’ve been meaning to hit up for like ever. I somehow forgot this was Easter weekend, so I’m sure a lot of places will be closed on Sunday. Good thing, really. Today was also my birthday, and this year it ended up being nothing special in terms of a party or whatever. I’ll take this one over the worthless, despicable nightmare last year’s was. Last year, I got to spend my birthday w/ a toxic  (and probably abusive and scammy) employer. It’s a super long story, but they’re ancient history from my resume, and I won’t be going back in that direction as a career choice anyway.

Their past will come back to haunt em, big time, sooner or later. I’m betting they’re still at their old bait and switch tactics, so it’s only a matter of time before they end up going outta business.

Anyways, enough about those asswipe time-wasters. I was only there for like a nanosecond in the scheme of things, and since they weren’t paying me like the job posting quoted, and failed to mention the quotas when they admitted to those in the interview were wholly unattainable, it didn’t matter.

Switching gears here, what’re your weekend plans? I’d love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hot, and let’s get this party started.

To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.

This old story from 1985 talks about ‘talking machines,’ and most of it ended up hitting the nail on the head.

The funerals have started for the victims of the school shooting in Nashville. Rest in peace, Evelyn!

Love this story about how this family had their first daughter in like 100 years or so. Welcome to the world, Audrey!

An identity theft brokerage site is now HISTORY!

Remember the Volcano menu Taco Bell used to have? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Anyways, it’s coming back! I’ve been trying to find a way to do a copycat version of that lava sauce I lived for before I lost the weight, haha.

A great list of resources sent to me by a tipster by the name of Marcus, who found me by way of this post. We got to talking about the path to business ownership being so full of barriers for those who identify as Black, or any other part of the global majority, or part of any other historically disadvantaged and marginalized community. It’s not a level playing field, and the worst thing about this is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

It’s so shameful when adults make fun of kids. Like, it’s bad enough when kids do it to each other, but when an adult participates and actively engages in it, it’s on a whole new level of shitty. If that’s the way these adults were gonna be toward this kid, then they don’t need to be in education.

Came across this blog that melds IT and cybersecurity with men’s fashion. I’m a she, but I got plans to get into cybersecurity at some point down the road.

Last, but not least, some signal boosts for missing kids. For starters, the last confirmed sighting of 1-year-old Jackson Sacul Lopez and his mom, 17-year-old Keyla Lopez Garcia of Hamilton, OH was on March 30th, 2022. The last confirmed sighting of 13-year-old Satya Radler of Biscarrosse, Landes, France was on November 5th, 2021. However, the poster shows a photo of Satya taken in March 2022, which lines up w/ a facebook post that surfaced that mentioned him. The poster states that he may be in the company of his dad, and they may be traveling between Nevada and Washington state. The last confirmed sighting of 7-month-old Danny’Ray Couch of Odessa, TX was on January 11th, 2023. The poster states that Danny’Ray is in the company of his mother, and that authorities issued a felony warrant for custodial interference in February 2023. If you have any information regarding any of these kids’ whereabouts after their last confirmed sightings, or if you see any children matching these descriptions, make that call. Let’s get Danny’Ray, Keyla, Jackson, and Satya home to those who care about em, ASAP!

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