Happy Fri-yay, everyone! Today was an unofficial weekend day for me, since I had the day off from work. But for others, weekend time’s upon us once again, so let’s talk weekend plans. Since the weather in my neck of the woods is gonna suck ass yet again, my game plan’s to lay low instead. I may knock around at the mall and count that as my walk. Or I may bop out to Michaels for old time’s sake, idk which it’s gonna be.
I went out to the old mall today to check out a few things I saw online, and saw there was a craft show going on this weekend. I was a total Rennie back in middle school, so this woulda been right up my alley back then. Tbh, it still is, haha. Other than some chode there hitting on me by blurting out what was on my lanyard and asking me what I did there, since my ID gets me free bus rides, I’m glad I went for the most part.
I’m so sick and tired of asswipe guys who do this shyt. I never did anyone like that, since it was a whole lotta ‘not my circus, not my monkeys.’ It never even fuckin occurred to me to do that to anyone else. And it never will.
I got a field trip coming up next week, so I packed my regular lunchbox, as well as a throwaway lunchbox, taking a page outta Heather Dubrow’s book. I like to meal-prep stuff for lunches, and get everything packed for the next day or next week as soon as I get home. This way, it’s ready to grab and go for tomorrow. And yes, I did pack my field trip lunch in one of those gift bags like Heather shows in that video, haha.
Over to you, readers. What’re your weekend plans? I’d love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hot and let’s get this party started!
To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.
I’d love to try out that eggplant, burrata, and chile dish, but the others look like fun to make at some point.
Love this post about a skills gap. It’s more related to art, but there’s takeaways for sewing or any other undertaking, really. It also hits home for me since I tried to make this jacket 2 years ago, and it was way too hard for me. I overheard my mom and a member of her care team ridiculing and belittling me over it, and I quit caring about it right then and there. I was having so much trouble w/ it it wasn’t even funny. I tried to finish it, and I’m almost done. I can’t even look at it w/o wanting to scream and throw it in the textile recycling pile I started anymore, and I got no plans to ever wear it, either.
Great post about a lady mechanic!
David’s Bridal is going through layoffs. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this, but my heart goes out to everyone affected.
How to make a kitchen more eco-friendly. No better time like now to include it, since Earth Day’s this weekend!
This post about a boss who slams ppl w/ enough work for 3, then threatens to fire ppl on a whim hits super close to home for me. I suffered 9 months of it back in college, and when they laid me off for the summer, I never looked back. They’ve basically since gone outta business, and good fuckin riddance.
Last, but not least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 12-year-old Lilyana Walsh and her 8-year-old sister Tamzen Walsh of Alpine, WY, was on February 23rd, 2023. According to both their posters, they are in the company of their mom Stephanie. They’re traveling in a Honda Odyssey, and it’s possible they have 2 dogs w/ them. If you see a child matching Lilyana or Tamzen’s descriptions, make that call. Let’s get Lilyana and Tamzen back home to those who love em, safe and sound, ASAP!