Can’t believe it’s Fri-yay already! We already know what this means: weekend time’s upon us once again. My weekend plans are to do a 5K going on in town. It’s free, and it’s in honor of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. There’s also another event going on in town, and I’m gonna catch it tonight and later tomorrow after I get back from the 5K. Last weekend’s plan to walk a 10K alongside a race going on in town since I was a day late and a dollar short caught up w/ me. I spent this whole week paying the price for it.
I’ll let this weekend dictate whether or not I continue doing organized 5Ks. I already walk 5Ks and 10Ks on my own as it is. I can say for sure there’s already stuff I don’t like about these, but anyways, other than the 5K, I’m gonna knock around the neighborhood this weekend.
Over to you, readers. What’re your weekend plans? I’d love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hot, and let’s talk.
To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.
As someone who loves to grill, but hasn’t been able to do it in forever, I’d love to try this out sometime.
This post about Teacher Appreciation Week definitely hits close to home for me, in a good way, haha. I’m a teacher associate, but I was thinking about doing some of this sometime.
Sad to say we lost Jerry Springer this week. I found out about it during lunch, and while his death wasn’t super surprising based off of his illness, it’s sad all the same. I remember watching Jerry Springer on TV when I was home sick from school back in middle and high school.
We also lost Harry Belafonte this week. Harry was in his 90s, but it’s still sad he’s gone. He’s contributed so much of value to this world, and the world just isn’t the same anymore. I think I’m gonna find a Harry Belafonte album on YouTube this weekend and give it a go.
Speaking of losses, the accuser of Emmett Till has also passed after having been in hospice in an undisclosed location. Normally I’d say it’s sad, and in the case of a scammer that was on the talk show circuit back in the 1990s, I said I was sorry for their family’s loss. It was the best I could say for them. In the case of Emmett Till’s accuser, I can’t say the same. I’m hoping their kids have learned better values than what their parents clearly had. The only thing sad about Emmett’s accuser’s passing is that they left a sad, pathetic legacy. There’s no link here, btw. I’m not gonna sully this blog w/ any mention of the accuser’s name. Instead, let’s remember Emmett. Rest in peace and power, Bobo!
A high school senior bagged $9M in scholarships, w/ the goal of getting $10M in scholarships by next month! Congrats, Dennis! I’m rooting for you.
Last, but not least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 11-year-old Helen Perez of Brooklyn, NY, was on April 23rd, 2023. According to the poster, Helen was wearing a black sweater, black sweatpants, and multi-colored sneakers. If you see a child matching Helen’s description, or if you have any knowledge of her whereabouts after April 23rd, 2023, make that call. Let’s get Helen back home safe to those who love her, ASAP!