A graphic with text that reads "Memorial Day 2023." Sketch rendering of an American flag in the upper left hand corner, a sketch rendering of a soldier standing at a grave and giving the salute, and a sketch rendering of soldiers marching on the right hand side. In honor of those who didn't make it back home, have a meaningful Memorial Day.

Today is Memorial Day 2023, and while some out there say Happy Memorial Day, and yours truly used to say it, I’ve decided there’s better things to say instead.

Instead, I’m gonna stop by and wish you a meaningful Memorial Day. Whether this means a day of barbecues, golfing, parties, or a day of mourning in honor of your fallen comrades or loved ones in the service, I’m not gonna gatekeep or dictate how you decide to spend your day.

Today, at 3:00pm, in your time, it’ll be the National Moment of Remembrance, where we observe a moment of silence. I’ll be doing it later today, since it’s not yet 3pm in my neck of the woods as I write this.

In honor of those who never made it back home.

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