Happy Fri-yay, everyone! Another week is in the books, so it’s time to ring in the weekend and talk weekend plans. My weekend plans include an event going on, and I’m thinking about trying out a different restaurant. I gave one place another chance, and left as I’d suspected I would after the first time. Time to draw that line, and move on. I think I may also take some stuff to Best Buy for tech recycling, and the sooner that shyt’s outta my house, the better.
It’s lived here long enough, same as the stuff I’m working on using up. It’s time to start appreciating what I already got, and use it up to get some space cleared.
In other news, I’ve been on the hunt for a new primary care provider, well, actually my first. I think I had one, but I was too young to remember at that point. It’s time to move forward w/ that, and I got a couple horses in the running, so to speak.
Anyways, ’nuff about me. How bout you, readers? What’re your weekend plans? Good, bad, both, neither, I’d still love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hawt, and let’s get this party started!
To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have ya.
I’d love to make these cinnamon buns sometime.
The surgeon general wants to put warnings on alcohol that state the connection between alcohol and cancer, and I’m here for it.
I had no idea Dry January was even a thing, but then again, I live it year round, so there’s really no way I could’ve known about it.
Remember the tragedy that happened at Angel Valley Retreat in 2009? Yeah, the one where a cult leader took what’s a sacred cultural tradition and ceremony for many Indigenous Nations, appropriated it (more like bastardized it and made a mockery of it, imo), made it into a sick endurance match, used wholly inappropriate structure materials, and profited off of it. He’s dead and gone, and I’m not at all sorry he’s passed. Not after the harm he did to so many who were just looking for answers, looking to better themselves, and ultimately looking for ways to make this world ok for them. Kirby, James, and Elizabeth never had to die, and neither did Colleen from a previous event he put on.
I’m sure y’all have heard about the Eagles fan who chose to behave abusively against a Packers fan at a game. As a heads-up, the garbage this fan spewed is super triggering and upsetting, and nobody w/ a pulse should ever use those words. I won’t be using this person’s name, since I’m not sullying my blog w/ the name of yet another married abusive asswipe, but here’s a link to what happened. If you’re not in the headspace to hear about this, don’t click this link. Anyways, I’m gonna respect their pronouns, and that’s the only thing I’m ever gonna respect about this person. Otherwise, the amount of respect I have toward anyone who acts like this is zilch. Nothing gave this person the right to mistreat anyone, and they oughta be ashamed of themselves. If it came this easy to them to act like this against a rando stranger they didn’t know from Eve, I can’t help but wonder how they act around their wife and kids. All this, over a fuckin game. I hope losing their job and getting banned from that stadium was worth it to them.
Someone misused the 911 system according to this post, and they’re looking at jail time as a result of the unholy amount of money wasted in the process. It’s sad that it played out like this. It seems to me like mental health services could’ve been more beneficial in this case, since more locales are adding mental health crisis units to the 911 system.
Last, but never least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 3-year-old Georghina Guadalupe Vargas of Compton, CA was on November 18th, 2024. According to the poster, she may be w/ her dad.
Even though it’s a sad statistic to talk about, the odds of a child returning home diminish the longer they’re missing. However, it’s important to remember that this is just the overall trend, and that there are always outliers. There’s always hope. This is why I’m highlighting a long-term missing case, and this time, let’s talk about Jason Townsend of Lauderhill, FL. He was 3 years old at the time of his disappearance on May 20th, 1980, hadn’t yet turned 4. According to the Doe Network, Jason’s mom was at work, and her friend was in charge of caring for him. That friend unfortunately had a history of behaving abusively toward children, and when the authorities questioned him, he refused to share whatever he may have known about what happened to Jason. Authorities are suspecting foul play. Jason was last seen in a pair of blue nylon shorts, a green shirt, and brown sandals. It’s unknown if there’s DNA, dental records, or fingerprints available. Very little info beyond this is available to the public, but the NCMEC shows a picture of him taken around the time of his disappearance, along w/ an age-progressed photo to show what he looked like at 34 years old. This year, he turns 49 years old.
If anyone out there has any knowledge of Georghina’s whereabouts after November 18th, 2024, or of Jason’s whereabouts after May 20th, 1980, make that call. Let’s see what we can do to get these families the answers they’re looking for, and get these two home safe to those who love em, pronto!