Happy Fri-yay, everyone! It’s hard to believe another week’s come and gone, but here we are. This means the weekend time’s upon us once again, so it’s time to talk weekend plans. I’d love to go check out a couple events in town, but if the weather sucks again like it did last weekend, I oughta come up w/ something to fall back on. Otherwise, I’ll be meal-prepping mashed potatoes and baby food for the week. I’m getting the rest of my wisdom teeth out in just 4 more days, and the countdown is on.
I had the first ones yanked in college, and at that time, my bottom wisdom teeth hadn’t even fully come in yet. Naturally that happened after the fact, and here we are now. Fine by me. I can think of worse ways to spend a Christmas than w/ mashed potatoes and baby food, and besides, it’s better than the majority of Christmases past for me anyways.
Anyways, ’nuff about me. How bout you, readers? What’re your weekend plans? Good, bad, both, neither, I’d still love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hawt, and let’s get this party started!
To ring in the weekend, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have ya.
Found this recipe for chocolate peppermint bark. Now I know what to do w/ the stash of candy canes I’ve had knocking around for way too long, haha.
Also found a recipe for gingerbread bars that I’d love to try out too.
I saw Chef Ramsay’s Ultimate Christmas on TV recently, and forgot to take notes on it, but I found this page about the show.
Found a list of 10 ways to use a garment steamer. Now that I got a Sam’s Club membership, albeit at a discount, I oughta go get this garment steamer I saw there a few weeks back.
How to make your own tailor’s ham, right here.
Ever wondered what indole is? Look no further!
Not surprised at this revelation about kratom, not surprised at all. There’s safer options out there that won’t mean playing Russian Roulette w/ your well-being.
In other news, we lost Nikki Giovanni recently. Job well done, Nikki. Rest in peace and power!
Last, but never least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 14-year-old Alexa-Nicole Perez-Saravia of Fairfax, VA was on December 18th, 2024. There’s no photo of Alexa Nicole available, according to the poster.
Even though it’s a sad truth to think about, the odds of a child returning home diminish, the longer they remain missing. However, it’s important to remember that this is just the overall trend, and that there are always outliers. There’s always hope. This is why I’m taking this opportunity to highlight a long-term missing case. The last confirmed sighting of Robert James Bowling of Parker, CO was on August 11th, 1985. He was 4 months old when he disappeared alongside his sister. No photos of him are known to exist, but there are composite sketches to show what he may look like, and age-progressed photos of those composites, all likely based off of photos of his parents. The age-progressed composites show what he may have looked like at 9 years old and at 23 years old. According to this site, his unnamed sister has been found safe as of 1996, when Robert was 11 years old. That site mentions that his mom claimed that her boyfriend at the time murdered him, but the boyfriend is adamant that Robert died of pneumonia. Something isn’t adding up here, and if Robert died of pneumonia, wouldn’t there be a possibility that someone around him came down w/ it, if it was the pneumonia caused by a virus or bacteria. That site also mentions that his mom claims to have given him and his sister to a couple located in another state, and they adopted her. As mentioned before, she was found safe, but there was no sign of Robert. Someone out there knows something about what happened to Robert.
If anyone out there has any knowledge as to the whereabouts of Alexa-Nicole after December 18th, 2024, or of Robert after August 11th, 1985, make that call. Let’s see what we can do to get their families the answers they deserve, and better yet, get em home safe to those who love em, pronto!