Happy Fri-yay, everyone! Today was an unofficial weekend day for me, since I had the day off from work. But for others, weekend time’s upon us once again, so let’s …
The Weekend Docket

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
Happy Fri-yay, everyone! Today was an unofficial weekend day for me, since I had the day off from work. But for others, weekend time’s upon us once again, so let’s …
Happy Fri-yay, everyone! This means one thing: weekend time’s upon us once again, and it’s time to discuss weekend plans. Mine are either to hit up the record shop, since …
Happy Fri-yay, everyone! It’s that time of week again, and we all know what that means: weekend time’s upon us once again. Since the weather sucks donkey balls in my …
Can’t believe it’s Friday already! It was a short work week, w/ an assignment at a school in the neighborhood. At the same time, this week dragged on by. Some …
This week’s gone by fast, and at my other job, the kindergarten class I had the chance to help out at ended the week w/ a hot chocolate party and …
It’s a short week, so we all know what that means: weekend time’s upon us once again, and a long weekend at that. So, let’s talk weekend plans. I’ll be …
It’s Fri-yay, everyone, and we all know what that means: weekend time’s upon us once again, and talk weekend plans. This time, I actually got some good news to report …
Oh bb, it’s Fri-yay, everyone! That means weekend time’s upon us once again. Today was a difficult day for obvious reasons, but in any case, the only good thing about …
Happy Fri-yay, bb! I can’t believe we’ve come to the end of another week already. We all know what this means: weekend time’s upon us! Honestly, the less said about …
Oh, bb, it’s Fri-yay! The week for me was a worthless joke, same as always, haha. Anyways, there’s been some very upsetting, and potentially devastating developments going on w/in the …