-We’ve come to the first weekend of the year, and that makes this the first Weekend Docket of the new year. My weekend plans are to continue with my job …
The Weekend Docket

Stuff that matters, self-improvement, and navigating life after weight loss
-We’ve come to the first weekend of the year, and that makes this the first Weekend Docket of the new year. My weekend plans are to continue with my job …
It’s holiday time, and that means a long weekend. Or for me, a long helliday weekend. Anyways, my weekend plans involve serving out my job search life sentence bestowed upon …
Another week’s gone by, and that means weekend time once again. My weekend plans are to continue with my job search. If I got the job I hoped for this …
Whoa, it’s Friday already? I thought it was still Monday, and somehow I was being punk’d. Anyways, that means another weekend is ahead of us. My weekend plans are more …
Happy Friday, everyone. We all know what that means: it’s weekend time yet again. My plans? I’m gonna keep job hunting, since it’s going nowhere. So what else is new, …
I can’t believe it’s Friday already. This week’s gone by way quicker than I expected, since the past two weeks dragged by. That means another weekend’s upon us. My weekend …
It’s been a long week for me, and it’s been as good as can be expected after what happened. That said, I can’t believe it’s Friday. That means weekend time! …
Wow, this has been a rotten week, that’s for sure. The only good thing about it is that it ended. Weekend time’s upon us once again, and now that the …
Another week gone by of endless job hunting with no results, and that means the weekend’s upon us! Halloween weekend, to be exact. The lead I talked about this time …
Another week, and another weekend upon us. I’ve been job hunting all this week, and should be hearing back from one of the recruiters I was in touch with today. …