The (Long) Weekend Docket

A decorative image that says "The Mission Within Weekend Docket."

Oh, bb, it’s Fri-yay! And the last Friday of 2022, to be exact. My weekend plans are to finish out my time w/ my seasonal job, and maybe sleep in for a bit before my other job starts up again. It’s up in the air whether I wanna go to a restaurant in the neighborhood for NYE, or stay in since it’s so cold outside. I was chosen to stay on after the holiday season ended until the end of next month w/ my seasonal job, and it’s truly an honor they chose me. It just wouldn’t be doable w/ my schedule at my other job, and the strong prospect of going full-time at some point next month w/ the in-house transfer I put in for, so my last day there is today.

It’s not in recruiting, but at this point, idgaf anymore. Recruiting’s an industry where I’m neither needed, welcomed, or wanted, which was made loud and clear to me through the YEAR of rejections and extreme hardcore nastiness slung at me. Fine. Be that way. The recruiting industry can live on w/o me, and I made peace w/ that. I’ll just take what I thought I had to offer the recruiting industry, and go help disabled kids instead. How ’bout them apples?

Anyways, nuff about me. How ’bout you readers, you got any special weekend plans? Are you staying in for NYE? Yes, no, maybe so? Whatever your weekend plans are, I’d love to hear all about it, so drop it all like it’s hot, and let’s get the party started for one last time in 2022.

To ring in the weekend and the last weekend of the year, I got us some links to talk about, share, what have you.

I’d love to try this recipe for baked gnocchi sometime, but I wanna try making my own since the store-bought stuff costs a fuckin fortune, haha.

Also wanna try this kinderpunsch recipe. I had the chance to get some at the Christkindlmarket I went to at the beginning of the month, and it was the only thing I had the money to get.

Not a sponsored link, but I’m in love w/ the Iowa Pine scent. I wish it wasn’t like the McRib, only coming back once a year.

Speaking of once a year, these are the words to the OG version of Auld Lang Syne.

Anyone out there in the market for an editor, hit Adina up!

This piece is definitely worth the read, and it’s something to think about too.

This image showed up on my screensaver, and it’s the Shiretoko Peninsula.

A post about the gold and silver beetles of Costa Rica.

Day late and a dollar short, but it’s no wonder ppl are ditching Twitter in droves, if this is anything to go by.

How to handle a nasty interviewer. I feel like it’s worth getting a hold of someone among the higher-ups or Powers that Be and letting them know about what happened. If they don’t give a rat’s ass, it tells you all you need to know about that company.

This post from the NCMEC is now almost 3 years old, and Natanalie “Naty” Perez is still missing. If anyone out there knows where she’s at, or knows anything about her whereabouts, make that call. Naty’s got a ton of friends and loved ones who are worried sick about her.

Sad to say we lost Barbara Walters. Job well done, Barbara, now rest in peace.

Last, but not least, a signal boost for a missing child. The last confirmed sighting of 15-year-old Ashya Robertson of St. Paul, MN was on December 25th, 2022. If you see a child matching Ashya’s description, or know anything about her whereabouts after December 25th, make that call. Let’s get Ashya home to those who love her for the New Year.

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