Spammers’ Showcase, #5

A decorative image with a white background, green and pink sketchy flowers in the corners, with text that reads "The Mission Within presents Spammers' Showcase."

It’s Wednesday, and that means HUMP DAY! And another great opportunity for another installment of the Spammers’ Showcase. If you’re new here, this is a series where I roast the hell out of the spammers who find their way here with their weirdness and incoherence. Some come off like the village idiot, others dead serious, but either way, it’s hilarious. There’s a saying that talks about how laughter is the best medicine, which you’ve probably heard like a million times. Now, idk if it’s the “best” medicine, per se, but it sure as shyt helps, especially these days.

I’m currently seeing an onslaught of spammers these days, and it’s getting harder to keep up with these turds. As always, all identifying details, crappy websites they claim are theirs, emails, and IP addresses are obscured just to be on the safe side. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Haven’t we heard this before? Which “view” are we talking about? Last I checked, this isn’t a sewing blog, since the word’s a term in the sewing world for the pattern styles. Of course, “view” could also refer to landscapes and scenery. I haven’t included any of that in here, yet anyway.

GTFO w/ your scammy enterprise with its’ borderline culturally-appropriative name. First you say you operate a “epav” shop directory, then you claim to provide “marketing and advertising services” to companies hawking CBD? Are you like a one-stop shop or something? PayPal can be touchy about selling certain things, which is their right as a business, but they’re not the only game in town. Just a little pro-tip.

Anyone? I hope not, and I hope you readers have no plans to visit this place. It’s trading one addiction for another, and after what I’m seeing a family member of mine go through, I hope to the universe that if you do this, you quit, pronto. And no, “EleVape,” I haven’t been there. Got no plans to go there either. xx





JFC, you again? However, I appreciate the sentiment saying the rest of my website is “also really good.” But a little word of advice: donating cars don’t involve monetary transactions. That’s called a sale. Just sayin’.

More seedy car sale spammers. I swear, I’ve seen this nitwit here before. But yes, “Donate Car for cash,” I did a great deal of my very own for this website. In fact, I did it all by myself. How ’bout them apples?





I aim to please, “Home warranty Coverage.” I hope to do my part in making the web “a lot more useful than ever before.” Now tell me, what’d you think was interesting about my “article?”





Well, I’m just stoked af to hear this, “German Quinchia.” No, seriously, I am. Tell me, what was the dinner like? What’d he order? Inquiring minds wanna know, and besides, I’m hard up for some meal prep ideas.

In all seriousness, this is something that came up for me before I lost the weight. I used to follow the bra and undies circles of the internet, including some bloggers that have long since moved on with their lives. In some cases, their blogs don’t even exist anymore. Some of them last posted to their blogs roughly 7 years ago! I think this could be a post on its’ own, but anyway, I can definitely recommend a few things I loved from before I lost the weight. Panache (their trend line Cleo was my go-to, and will be once again when I get the money to get some new bras in my current size) is a good place to start. Bravissimo’s got some camisole bra tops I’ve always wanted to try, too. You can find them cheap on eBay if cost is something to consider. BTW, sewing lingerie as a beginner isn’t something I would recommend in a million years. There’s so much that goes into it that it’s above my paygrade. Anyways, cheers to you too xxx.



I have no idea how much THC is in your off-off brand of CBD oil, bud. And no, I have no idea where you can buy those CBD capsules, either. Not gonna lie, I’ve got a few things with CBD in them, namely some hair gel, and something typically used in, shall we say, Area 51, but has a lot of other uses too.






Well, helpo there to you too! I’m so happy to hear you found my blg using google, and that you’ll “make sure to bookmark it.” Thanks for thee visit, “tax benefit of donating a car.” I can almost bet you’ll certainly return. A lot of your colleague spammers do.

Missed the previous installments and need more fun? No probs, I gotcha covered: 1, 2, 3, 4

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